The Living Master’s Appearance: The Most Precious Gift for Sentient Beings Master Ruma lectured at The Association for the Disables Nakhon Phanom Province, Thailand October 31st, 2013
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The True Self is never imperfect. Master Ruma lectured at the Association of Disabled People, Udonthani, Thailand. 21 October 2013
Master Ruma lectures at Sirimongkon temple, Udonthani, Thailand 29th October 2013
The Strength of Faith Master Ruma lectured at Chiang Mai Meditation Center Baan Pong Sub-District, Hang Dong District, Chiang Mai-Thailand. July 2, 2012 (Master Ruma preached to initiated disciples)
Master Ruma Lecture inSoukpaluang Buddhist Upper Secondary School Vientiane _ Lao November 9th, 2008
Master Ruma lectured at temple Nakhunnoi - Vientiane - Laos On 17th November, 2013